Our piece of Hawaii
2 years ago when we went to the beautiful island of Oahu we brought back with us 4 plumeria plants. One we gave to Dave's parents, one to his bother Mike, one to my parents and one we kept for ourselves.
The instructions that came with the plant said that it would not grow more than probably a foot or two because they were small cuts. The three we gave away and our bloomed very nicely the first year. And we were pleased with the beautiful site and smell of Hawaii in our home.
Shortly after summer time it stopped the bloom and the plant went dormant so to speak. Ours continued to grow leaves but wouldn't bloom again. We continued to norish it in hopes that we would soon see flowers again. The other hree we gave away had all bloomed and like our went dormant after the summer. But unlike ours they did not grow any more leaves. They all (including ours) got a little creature called spider mites. We tried everything to get rid of them and before we new it our parents and brother had thrown there's away. My mom told me that my great grama used mayonaise to smother the bad creatures on her plants so I thought what the heck im gonna do it. I spread mayo all over the plant and soon all the bugs died. We hoped it would not have ill effects on our plant because it seemed that the leaves we smothered as well. But in time it came back and stonger than ever it is now huge and growing more and more every day!! It has all but taken over the dining room. We love our little piece of Hawaii and hope this summer we will get back the blooms.