Thursday, November 6, 2008

So our newest adventure is one we will be on for a long time.
We are due on May 19th for our first little bundle of joy.
We are both thrilled.
I was 3 months on halloween and the morning sickness seems to be going away a little. Thank goodness. Driving to work every morning seemed like a roller coaster.
I am starting to get a bump it was like I woke up one morning a I could suddenly really see I had grown and dave trying to get me to eat anything and everything dosen't help!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Our trip to the coast! what a pretty starfish!

We caught a beautiful glimpse of God's artwork. The picture dosen't do it justice I needa better camera.

After we camped at the coast for a couple days we decided to visit the forest were the trees of mystery are. It's a little smaller area but awesome tree's.
We drove our car through the tree's and I thought they were gonna swallow us whole.
bye bye little car!!

Sorry my pictures are a little out of order this is a picture of Dave at the California coast we just kept driving south and ended up here some little town but the coast was beautiful.
Don't fall Davey!

Ok back to the trees.....
Think there's any spiders in there? hmm..... stick your head in a litle farther lets see...

Man there tree's are ginormous!

I guess no spiders!
but im pretty sure I see a big spider monkey ;) he's so cute!

It's a good hole but I don't think we could live there. We couldn't make a fire to keep warm.